
Score more runs than they do.
- Joe
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By MEGHAN MONTEMURRO CHICAGO TRIBUNE | JUN 24, 2021 AT 6:30 AM LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE Nestled beneath the Red Line in the shadows of Wrigley Field, an inconspicuous house blends into the Wrigleyville neighborhood. Concrete steps in the backyard lead down to...
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If you have been to Wrigley Field for a Chicago Cubs game anytime in the last five years or so, chances are you have seen a fan wearing a royal blue shirt with a simple sentence in white on the front. That is an Obvious Shirt and it is made by Joe Johnson, creator and owner of Obvious Shirts.

Joe Johnson is Brilliant. (Joe, you can have that one). You have seen the shirts - from "Kiss it GoodBaez" to "The Greatest Game Ever Was Played on a Wednesday in Cleveland" to "I'd Rather Be at Wrigley", now hear the man behind the shirts.
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